Rusty Inman

Lives on Congaree River across from Columbia, S.C. Father. Democrat. Skeptical Christian. Gamecocks, Terriers, Redskins, Braves, Federer fan. Tennis. Kayak. Dogs.


The Numbers Are Horrifying:
  • As of yesterday (Wednesday, Aug 12), 5,294,541 Americans had contracted COVID-19.
  • There were 45,302 new cases reported yesterday.
  • There have been 168, 310 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S.
  • There were 1,298 souls added to that mournful list yesterday.
  • A CDC review recently noted that each of these categories was probably underreported by at least 10%.
Worse Even Than The Number Of Souls Lost Thus Far:
After taking its first victim in the U.S. on February 6, COVID-19 has taken advantage of the gobsmacking professional incompetence of, the dismal disinterest of and the jaw-dropping personal pathologies of Donald Trump to overwhelm communities large and small, urban and rural, monied and poor.  The elderly, the middle-aged and the young—age provides no exemptions, no immunity.
Had he been interested, this president had the power to mobilize—with unparalleled speed—resources of unparalleled volume that could have been used to implement a massive and comprehensive federal plan to mitigate the spread and enhance the treatment protocols of this viral nightmare.
Alas, he wasn’t interested.
Instead, he ignored the warnings and recommendations of some of the best and brightest medical/scientific minds on the planet, ignored the front-and-center evidence per the extent of the COVID-19 threat, publicly engaged in an embarrassing, everyday stream-of-consciousness blame-game and then, to the bewilderment of sentient beings everywhere, “assured” the country that the pandemic would “just disappear—like magic, it will just disappear.”
Trump did provide some unintentional comic relief by offering suggestions per what Americans could do to stave off the virus until it just “magically disappears”:
(1) Take the drug Hydroxychloroquine (useless against the virus, potentially dangerous to those with cardiac issues, but profitable to Trump’s friends who immediately invested in it);
(2) Knock down a quart of Clorox or Lysol or any other lethal household disinfectant (if it will clean a bathtub, sink or dirty toilet, imagine what it could do to a mere virus);
(3) Insert into the body—via an unnamed entry point—a tube that emits UV rays and, as my brother laughingly put it, “light it up” (it might “burn” the virus out the way small skin lesions are “burned” from one’s arm).
But, in the end, Trump did absolutely nothing.And, in the end, he is doing absolutely nothing.  Worst of all, he is going to do absolutely nothing.
Hence, healthcare systems immense and tiny have been and are being crushed across the country.  The essential personnel—medical and not, heroes all—required to keep those systems functional are beginning to bend and sometimes break under the combined physical and psychological pressures brought to bear on them. 
And, inexorably, the death toll continues to mount—the Institute for Health Metrics at the University of Washington now projects that COVID-19 fatalities in the U.S. will reach 300,000 by December, which is only 3.5 months away.
Each one of those 300,000 souls, by the way, is someone’s grandfather or grandmother or father or mother or son or daughter or brother or sister or uncle or aunt or best friend or next-door neighbor.  And each one had a name.
There Is No Help Coming.  You’re On Your Own.  
COVID-19 was always going to be too much to handle for the intellectually- and emotionally-challenged president fast becoming known in some circles as Impotus Masculinitus (or, perhaps better, Imbecilus Masculinitus).  The same was the case for the politically-minded toadies/sycophants and empty-headed family members with which he surrounded himself, as well as the politically-minded Republicans who daily sacrifice their humanity and their patriotic duty for fear they will become targets of President Robe & Slippers’ Twitter ire.  And for the MAGA cultists who reflexively bow in fealty before the orange-faced—though he has, of late, apparently switched to the bronzer so liberally employed by his wife—crook who is picking their pockets while he lines his own.
The maxim that was so obvious to the rest of the world—and, to the majority of Americans—apparently went into one ear and, without being hindered by an excess of grey matter, out the other of this poseur president, his court jesters, his feckless political party and his card-carrying MAGA-members:  A pandemic must be treated as a public health issue before its political dimensions are elevated to priority status.
If we know anything about Donald Trump, we know that he will do anything—anything!—to avoid a re-election defeat.  Hence, the public health issues—the human side—of this viral tsunami have been of little interest to him.  Indeed, when Jonathan Swan of Axios mentioned the staggering death toll to him in a recent interview, Trump remained expressionless, shrugged his shoulders and said, “It is what it is.”  Only the political issues related to his upcoming re-elect effort elicit anything other than disinterest from this terribly damaged man.
For Donald Trump, politics took precedence over public health.  The former was/is of signal import to Trump.  The latter was/is barely on his radar, typically showing up only when he thinks one of its elements can be used to further the political end of widening and making more permanent the cultural divide—pro-Trump v. anti-Trump—that he believes to be fundamental to an electoral victory on November 3.
This rigid, politicized division of the culture into warring camps explains why the more tribal pro-Trumpers actually believe the onslaught of lies, misinformation and disinformation about the coronavirus put out daily by this president, his hacks and FOX News.  Science and scientific expertise be damned, they’ll take the word of the self-proclaimed “stable genius” who had to pay a proxy to take the SAT for him.
It explains how mask-wearing and public-distancing became less a public health issue than a political identity issue for pro-Trumpers.
It explains how re-opening the schools—i.e.; using our kids/grandkids as pawns in Trump’s attempt to paint a false landscape of normalcy—became less a public health issue than a political identity issue for pro-Trumpers.
It explains the verbal and even physical attacks visited upon front-line health care professionals by—wait for it!—pro-Trumpers.
It explains why, having been subjected to a barrage of private and public verbal attacks and threats made by pro-Trumpers, administration officials and Trump himself, a Kaiser Health/AP review found that 49 state and local public health officials had left their jobs since May.  Dr. Tony Fauci, one of the world’s foremost experts on virology and pandemics, has received so many threats that he had to hire a security detail to protect himself, his wife and their children.
It explains why the government response to the pandemic—with a few exceptions at the state level—has been so passive, so incoherent, so inhumane, so ineffective, so deadly and so utterly lacking in leadership.  While the president plays golf every weekend and plays politics via his twitter account and laughable afternoon “briefings,” the greatest public health threat of our time goes unmentioned as the death toll continues to mount. 
The implications?
There is no plan. 
There has never been a plan. 
There isn’t going to be a plan.
The cavalry isn’t coming to help us because the “commander-in-chief” didn’t care enough about us to form one.
We are on our own.






My son was seven or so when, after long resisting the urge to ask, I finally asked him the question that had previously been posed to him on interminable occasions by an interminable number of family members, an interminable number of friends and an interminable number of church members:  “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

He issued an intentionally demonstrable sigh of frustration at once again being asked, at seven years-old, to project the trajectory of a future that lay, at that moment, far beyond the horizon, looked up at me and, in perhaps the most revealing way he had ever responded to the question, said, “Taller.”


The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, stands out in any gathering of world leaders if only because she is one of the few women to presently lead a major country.  She also stands out because of her relative youth—at 38, she is the youngest woman to presently lead a major country, the first woman leader in three decades to give birth while in office and the first woman leader to ever tote her relative newborn onto the floor of the United Nations General Assembly.  But those biographical attributes pale relative to the personal attributes of self-confidence, poise, intellect, steady hand and command of policy issues that have marked her as someone to watch since she arrived on the global stage in the fall of 2017.  Add to all of those qualities an understated, genuinely personal sensitivity to her fellow Kiwis and it is easy to understand her almost meteoric rise to the top position in New Zealand’s government.

Using all of the arrows in her considerable quiver, the Prime Minister, on this weekend past, proved herself more than worthy of the confidence placed in her by both New Zealand’s ruling party and New Zealand’s populace.  Amidst the toxic combination of horror, grief, fear, anger and confusion that followed the attack by a white supremacist on Muslims attending their traditional Friday prayer services at two mosques in Christchurch—fifty dead, dozens more hospitalized—Ms. Ardern’s words and actions were, from the get-go, absolutely flinch-free, pitch-perfect and preternaturally genuine.  They were also quintessentially Kiwi, both charting and helming the course that would guide her nation’s remarkable response to a tragedy that put it in uncharted, tumultuous waters.  Dispensing with what has become tiresome political choreography—“thoughts and prayers, best of luck to ya’, yada, yada, yada”—she said and did what a leader with the best interests of her/his countrymen at heart would say and do.

In order to unite the country in what first became an outpouring of national grief and then evolved into an outpouring of world-wide grief, Ms. Ardern prioritized the message that private prejudices should be transcended by New Zealand’s national identity.   She pulled no punches and refused to descend into the shadows of embarrassing political gobbledy-gook best exemplified by a heinous statement such as “there were fine people on both sides.”  Instead, she framed the massacre for what it was:  A terrorist attack not just on the Muslim community, not just on an immigrant community, but on the nation itself—on New Zealand’s values and way of life.  And did so with an eloquent tweet unlike anything Americans have come to expect from the divisive, derisive, grievance-based Twitter account belonging to the current occupant of the White House:  “Many of those affected will be members of our migrant communities—New Zealand is their home—they are us.”

Consider again what she said about New Zealand’s immigrant communities:  “New Zealand is their home—they are us!”

They. Are. Us.

As American civic life devolves under the transactional, autocratic impulses of a corrupt, racist, incoherent president who keeps constant company with our darkest angels and regularly calls them forth in his relatively small but visceral—read reflexively angry, fearful, pearl-clutching, self-debasing—voter base of white supplicants, watching Kiwis respond to the example of indisputable moral authority modeled by their country’s leadership has been like a breath of fresh air.

In myriad ways, New Zealanders were united in both word and action to affirm that the white supremacist attacker—whose “manifesto” mentioned Donald Trump as an inspiration—in no way  gave voice to their common, defining values:  Flowers, personal notes, small items serving as symbols of solidarity were piled on top of each other as memorial tributes all across both the North Island and the South Island (as well as on sidewalks in front of mosques around the world) grew in both number and size; people waited in line for hours in order to just sign condolence books; donations large and small for the affected families flooded into both the Al Noor and Linwood Mosques in Christchurch; non-Muslim women—following the example of their prime minister—covered their heads with scarves to show that they were “as one” with their hajib-wearing Muslim sisters; on the Sunday following the terror attack, congregations throughout the country sang the triumphant national anthem of New Zealand which envisions “men of every creed and race” gathering before the face of God in a “free land.”

Donald Trump, as we have painfully learned, is apparently incapable of speaking words of compassion or comfort from the heart.  Hence, during his phone call to Ms. Ardern, he read remarks written for him and, in a tone dripping with his typical insincerity, asked what he “could do.”  The prime minister, in words that quickly went viral around the globe, suggested that he could express his “sympathy and love to all Muslim communities.”

Needless to say, the American Disgrace—asked later if he thought the white supremacy movement or white supremacist terrorism “was a problem,” he incomprehensibly answered, “No, I don’t think so” and then lied by claiming he didn’t “know much about it”—had no further comment on the Christchurch slaughter, save a perfunctory description of it as “horrible.”

Given Trump’s xenophobic antipathy toward “Muslim communities” both in the U.S. and abroad, there was little reason to think that the prime minister expected anything else from him.  Or that she cared enough to give it another thought—after all, she was busy lifting onto her small but powerful shoulders a stunned, grief-filled, jittery-nerved country and, with a determination that was almost breathtaking to watch, carrying it through the valley of the shadow.

There was no time to give further thought to poseurs like Donald Trump.

There never is.

There never should be.

On the Thursday following the agony of the previous Friday, I heard via the BBC that Ms. Ardern had delivered on her emotional promise—made almost immediately after the mosque shootings in Christchurch—to enact new gun control measures post haste.  Put that in context:  On April 10, 26 days after the Christchurch shootings, New Zealand’s legislature—with only one dissenting vote—passed a gun control bill banning military-style weapons.  It goes into effect immediately. 

I thought about the still-grieving parents at Sandy Hook, to whom the bought-and-sold-to-the-NRA Republicans offered no comfort other than “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people.”  I thought about Barack Obama, tears of grief in his eyes and righteous anger in his voice, telling the nation that he had failed to convince Republicans to help pass even the most humble background-check bill that might “make our country a safer place.”  I thought about the Parkland kids, especially Emma Gonzalez, who spoke for millions of Americans—young and old—when she led thousands of other young people in her poignant, angry, righteous chant, “I call…B.S.!”

I thought again about Jacinda Ardern and her fellow Kiwis:  It took 7 days for them—in response to an attack on an ethnic/religious minority that makes up only 1% of their population, for God’s sake—to mobilize their grief/anger into beginning to write and kindle support for the action that would become law 19 days later.  And I thought about the people of the United States, who know that such mobilization to make our country “a safer place” will never happen in our lifetimes.  Never.    

Unable to return to the Al Noor Mosque for Friday prayers a week after the killings, Muslim worshippers gathered outside their place of worship for a memorial service to be followed by their traditional service.  Worshipping with them was their prime minister, accompanied by a massive crowd—estimated at 20,000—of non-Muslim Kiwis who filled Hagley Park in Christchurch, which is just across the street from the mosque.  Ms. Ardern again wore a black headscarf, as did thousands of women—“from police officers to TV news presenters to everyday citizens”—who wished to show their respect for and solidarity with their fellow New Zealanders.

Following brief words from the prime minister that began the memorial service—“When any part of the body suffers, the whole body feels pain.  New Zealand mourns with you; we are one.”—the “adhan,” which is the Muslim call to prayer, was broadcast on national television and radio stations across the country and followed by two minutes of silent remembrance.

It was a stunning, moving scene made only moreso by the fact that it played out not only in Christchurch, but at Muslim places of worship across both the South and North Islands, where diverse crowds—“from students to leather-clad bikers”—memorialized the dead and honored the living by performing the “haka,” a traditional ceremonial dance common to the indigenous Maori people of New Zealand and a fundamental part of the country’s cultural/national identity.  A cultural/national identity so embedded in a united citizenry and so fiercely protected by a young prime minister clearly guided by the values inherent in it that, rather than being sullied by murderous acts inspired by an ideology conceived and born in human sewers, it emerged as an even brighter and stronger beacon, bearing witness to the power of righteous leadership and bedrock moral authority.


The tallest building in the world is Dubai’s Burj Khalifaworld.  [Think Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible:  Ghost Protocol]

Late last Friday night, a photograph of the building was posted on Twitter by Dubai’s ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum.  It showed the tallest building in the world adorned with an enormous image of Jacinda Ardern, her head covered with a black scarf, embracing a grieving Muslim woman.  Two words appeared above them:  “Salam” and “Peace.”

Accompanying the photo was a message:  “Thank you @jacindaardern and New Zealand for your sincere empathy and support that has won the respect of 1.5 billion Muslims after the terrorist attack that shook the Muslim community around the world.”

I’m sure that Ms. Ardern and her fellow Kiwis appreciated the kind words.  I’m equally sure the Kiwis were right proud to see their prime minister respectfully pictured up-and-down one side of the tallest building in the world.  But my real guess is that they didn’t need to see that projected image to know just how tall Ms. Ardern now stands in the eyes of those of us who know that what our world perhaps most needs at this dark moment in history is authentic leadership grounded in authentic moral/ethical authority.  And let me add a shout-out to the Kiwis themselves, who knew righteous leadership when they saw it and, as a people, followed the example it set.

I don’t know if, when she was seven or so, Jacinda Ardern’s greatest desire per what she would be “when she grew up” was “Taller.”  But, even if it wasn’t, she is “taller” at this moment than any world leader whom I can think of.  And all who make up #KiwiNation grew taller right along with her.












Let’s begin with two things upon which the facts agree:  (1) During his lie-filled, fear-mongering, “American Carnage” presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised his cultic following that, if elected, he would prevent immigrants/asylum-seekers/refugees from illegally entering the country via the southern border by building “a big, beautiful wall” that would, despite his present-day claims to the contrary, extend the length of the southern border; (2) During his lie-filled, fear-mongering, “American Carnage” presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised his cultic following that, if elected, that “big, beautiful wall” would be paid for by Mexico.


Yes, Irite!


On June 16, 2015, King Donald and Queen Melania did their poseur best to mimic a royal entrance by descending a staircase into the gaudy, gauche-gilded, Versailles-wannabe lobby of Trump Tower.  After lying that the crowd numbered “in the thousands” (seriously, in the lobby of Trump Tower?), the Donald extended the lie by definitively stating that its size—size, it’s always about size for Tiny Hands!— surpassed any other in the history of candidacy announcements.  Having thus given away the reason for the assemblage—oblivious much, Donald?—Trump announced that he was throwing his hat in the ring per the Republican presidential nomination for the 2016 election cycle. 

Beginning with his ensuing announcement speech/screed and continuing until the close, on January 20, 2017, of what had to be the strangest, most dark, and most devoid of aspiration/inspiration inaugural speech any American president has ever delivered—at its end, George W. Bush, laughing, leaned over and whispered to Michelle Obama, “That was some weird s**t”—Trump’s campaign was defined, to a great degree, by (1) his relentless screeds/lies about U.S. immigration policy and (2) his relentless fear-mongering, lying and seeding of misinformation/disinformation about its consequences for everyday Americans.  

Both Trump’s personal life and his business life have, throughout his decades as a public figure, evidenced his amoral, transactional, autocratic nature—a trait set that would make any mama proud!  Combine those swamp-critter instincts with a long, well-documented history of misogynistic, racist and xenophobic statements/actions and what one gets is a character-disordered, arrested development—he daily pin-balls between the infantile and the juvenile—man/child for whom applause, adulation and power are like mother’s milk to an infant.  One also gets a man/child who proved to be easy prey for the likes of alt-right, white nationalist/supremacist sympathizers like Steve Bannon and Steven Miller.  Thus did a distinctly un-holy union produce a distinctly un-presidential campaign for the presidency that employed tactics one might expect to find highlighted in Chapter One of The White Demagogue’s Handbook.

Urged on by the likes of Bannon, Miller and related ilk, Trump effectively utilized explicit/implicit race-baiting rhetoric in order to play to the explicit/implicit racism that, despite their claims to the contrary, seems almost endemic to a large percentage of his white base—especially those that attended the campaign’s “Make Daddy Feel Good” adulation fests and alternately

(1) foamed at the mouth,

(2) screeched “Lock Her Up!” in unison at every mention of Hillary Clinton,

(3) participated in the antiphonal “What are we gonna’ do?”/”Build that wall!” and “Who’s gonna’ pay for it?”/”Mexico!”/”Damn right!” chants,

(4) foamed at the mouth some more and,

(5) their faces contorted with fear/anger/hate, hissed, booed, hoisted a big middle-finger to and occasionally threatened media-types confined to a “press pen” at the back of whatever rally hall the Trumpsters were soiling.

He then played to the racist fears of his #Snowflake base by painting a disgustingly false, dystopian landscape of an America overrun by vicious, non-human/animal-like brown or black males whose only reasons for “invading”/immigrating to the United States are to

(1) “kill white people” (as viciously as they can),

(2) in the storied vernacular of the Ku Klux Klan, “rape your women” (because we all know, don’t we, that dark-skinned males live to, uh, “rape white women”?),

(3) “steal high-paying jobs from white people standing in line to apply for them” (working on landscaping crews, working fields and orchards across the country, working cattle ranches, hog farms and chicken houses, working slaughterhouses and meat-packing plants, working lobster boats and shrimp boats and fishing boats, working construction as unskilled laborers, cleaning motel/hotel rooms at Donald Trump properties, keeping Donald Trump’s golf courses and grounds trimmed and cut—you get the picture, right?),

(4) “get your kids addicted to illegal drugs so they can turn your sons into pushers and your blonde, Norwegian-looking daughters into hookers who would do anything for a heroin fix or a vial of crack.”

“Illegal alien” females of color?  They only cross the border, according to Trump, in order to have babies on U.S. soil so that they can free-ride for the rest of their lives off the taxes paid by hard-working white Americans.  “Anchor babies,” Trump called them, to the delight of his evangelical, family-values hypocrites/sycophants.

Put simply, in the tradition of racist autocrats, he sought to sow division in the populace by creating an “Us” (white people) v. “Them” (people of color) paradigm and casting “Them” as presenting an existential threat to “Our Way Of Life” and “Our Civilization.”  According to Donald Trump—who, in his pre-presidential life, was a world-renowned scholar known for his ground-breaking sociological/anthropological research into the rise and fall of societies/cultures—the societal and cultural problems “We” face (breakdown of traditional values, loss of moral grounding, crime, diseases of epidemic proportions, rampant drug use, unemployment, inequality, lack of economic mobility, et al) are primarily attributable to the presence of “Them.”  America has lost its “greatness,” claimed Trump.  America is “in decline,” claimed Trump.  And “They” are responsible.

Hence, the way to “Make America Great Again,” said the self-proclaimed “nationalist,” was clear.  “We” must, in essence, turn on “Them.”  “We” must limit their numbers in order to limit the harm they can do to “Our” country and “Our” way of life and, for that matter, “Our” civilization.  And “We” must elect Donald Trump to the presidency because, as he definitively stated, “Only I can fix it.”

Who knew?

Yes, Donald Trump posited himself as the Savior not only of “Our” country, not only of “Our” way of life but—wait for it!—of Western Civilization.

Grandiose much?

So, how did the Grifter from Queens plan to “fix it?”  How did he plan to “save” not only “Our” country but “Our” way of life and, by God, Western Civilization itself?

First, there would be a ramped-up effort to purge the country of non-white immigrants.  Some—we term them “undocumented”—lack the proper “papers” (these would include many of the the service workers, for whom fraudulent “papers” were obtained via Trump Inc connections, who cleaned his personal quarters at his Bedminster, N.J. golf club and, as we now know, worked the grounds, the grill rooms, the restaurants and the hotel quarters at several other of his golf clubs/resorts).  Some actually have the proper “papers.”  And others have already become naturalized citizens . But, under the Trump/Sessions reign of terror, whether an immigrant-of-color be illegally or legally in-country, the sense of things was going to be “We’ll find something on you so we can put you on a bus or a plane to somewhere else.”

Second, Trump promised that, in order to “protect the country” from non-Norwegian, non-white refugees and asylum-seekers looking for sanctuary in “The Land of the Free and The Home of the Pearl-Clutchers,” he would build that “big, beautiful wall” along the southern border.  Oh, and he promised to make “Mexico pay for it.”

In other words, Trump’s plan to save “Our” country, “Our” way of life and the entirety of Western Civilization could be boiled down to (1) Kick “Them” Out and (2) Keep “Them” Out.  Trump has even, of late, come up with his own little ditty for it:  “Build the Wall, Crime will Fall!”  It hasn’t really caught on yet, but give it time and maybe 10,000 “executive time” tweets.

It wasn’t difficult to figure out that the president who struggles to formulate a compound sentence, the Wharton School of Finance graduate (well, he spent two relatively non-notable years there after transferring from Fordham University) who apparently was having his bone spurs treated while his first-grade classmates were in Spelling 101, liked easy-to-remember slogans and simplistic-to-the-point-of-embarrassing solutions.  Kick “Them” Out and Keep “Them” Out did not, after all, portend serious conversations about immigration policy.  It was easier and less intellectually taxing to go for the racist/xenophobic applause lines—and go after the mainstream media for calling out the demagoguery—when speaking to rally-goers at, say, Columbia Metropolitan Airport.


Supplicants of The Savior of Western Civilization by-and-large justify their reflexive, visceral support for the #TrumpWall—otherwise known as Donald’s Mega-Billion Dollar Totemic Vanity Project—by reciting talking points from his bogus, fact-averse rants about “the crisis on the southern border” or “our national emergency” or the apocalypse to come if “We” don’t Kick “Them” Out and Keep “Them” Out.


When they discover that I, like the majority of all Americans and the even greater majority of those who populate the congressional districts along the southern border (including all nine congressional representatives from districts along the border and the vast majority of the 59 sheriffs who oversee local law enforcement across the entire southern border), am opposed to the #TrumpWall, they by-and-large accuse me of favoring “open borders” and “unrestricted, unlimited, ‘just let ’em all in and don’t even bother to get their names’ immigration.”

I don’t.  I don’t know anyone who does.  But, whatever.

They have shown no interest in listening to my rebuttal of Trump’s bogus meta-narrative and even less interest in listening to my takedown of his gobsmackingly simplistic solution to a “national emergency” that, according to the chiefs of every U.S. intelligence service, isn’t.  And they have saved their most disdainful, dismissive eye-rolls for that moment when I begin to make my case for smart, comprehensive immigration reform that takes seriously the complexities and nuances of humanitarian, economic, political and border security issues.

I have, however, on more than one occasion, had a #TrumpWall supporter tell me that, despite the fact that they pretty much agreed that Trump’s narrative about immigration was false, they still supported it.  And, they continued, so should I.  Indeed, despite my opposition to it, I should feel obligated to support it—a talking point that has actually gained traction with a number of GOP operatives who have taken to radio and television talk-shows to tout it.


Brace yourself.

I should feel obligated to support the #TrumpWall because, during his presidential campaign, Donald Trump promised his supporters that he was going to “Build that Wall!”  And, given that he was elected to the presidency, all patriotic Americans should work together to help him fulfill his promises.



I have suggested to those who suggested this preposterous puffery that things did not turn out well for the last monarch—or, his loyalist followers—who attempted to exercise “the divine right of kings” over the American people; the tyranny of obligatory obedience and all that.  And, given that George III’s rule over the American colonists ended with the beginning of an evolving democratic republic that has become the longest in the history of the world, one senses that any attempt to return us to, uh, royal rule would turn out even less well for “he who would be king”—and, his loyalist followers.

Off with his hair!

As an American citizen, I don’t serve Donald Trump and I am under no obligation to agree with or support either his personal statements/policies/actions or his official statements/policies/actions.  My allegiance is not to any one person or any group of people.  My allegiance is to my country, to the Constitutional framework that orders its values and its life, and to the American Idea, the possibility of whose fulfillment, in the best of times and with the best of leaders, pulls my country inexorably toward its best future.













The brilliantly irascible H.L. Mencken died in 1956 on this day, January 29.  An example of his brilliant irascibility?

“On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

Perhaps we should add “prescient” to “irascible” in a listing of the qualities that yet make him much fun to read.



My 92 year-old mother is South Carolina lowcountry tough.  She gets it honest, having been raised in a matriarchal family filled with educated, strong, tough women who took no guff and no nonsense from the men in the family, even though the latter, being lawyers and politicians, were the “face” of the family.  Growing up in that milieu, I never doubted the dynamic:  The men may have been the “face” of the family, but the real power rested on the distaff side.

My mother despises Donald Trump, seeing him as what she alternately terms “a weak blowhard,” “a bully without b***s,” and “a pig.”  I’ll leave the other designations she uses to the reader’s imagination.

It should come as no surprise that she is a big fan of Nancy Pelosi.  Neither should it come as a surprise that she applauds the Speaker’s tough, in-your-face resistance to Donald Trump’s attempt to extort funding for the totemic, monument-to-himself #TrumpWall by using federal and federally-contracted workers as hostages.  Hence her comment during a phone call with me earlier today:

“Unlike Lindsey Graham, she’s got a spine of steel.  She won’t back down and she shouldn’t.  You know that woman senator from Iowa who got elected because she grew up on a farm and castrated hogs [Joni Ernst]?  She could learn a few things from Nancy Pelosi.”





In an interview with The Hill last night, Rudy Giuliani, who has served as Donald Trump’s legal court jester—and provided many of us with a lot of good laughs during his, uh, public relations work on behalf of #TheWorstPresidentEver—during much of the time that Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his team of All-Star prosecutors/investigators have been probing the Trump campaign and its myriad relationships with Russia, said this about any potential final report the Special Counsel’s office might file with the Justice Department:

“As a matter of fairness, they should show it to you – so we can correct it if they’re wrong.”

In other words, Giuliani is suggesting that he and the Trump Team should have access to the Special Counsel’s report before it is submitted to anyone so that he and his teammates can have the opportunity to edit out information that is either incriminating to the president and/or members of his family or less than flattering to the same.  He thinks it “a matter of fairness” that they be able to, well, “correct” the record.

Here’s a suggestion for Rudy:  You don’t get to “correct” the record.  You can and no doubt will use a weaponized right-wing media to rebut the record.  But you might want to make sure you’ve got your facts in order before you put your rebuttal out there.  Robert Mueller’s career “body of work” attests to his concern for evidentiary facts and conclusions drawn only on evidentiary facts.  Yours?  Not so much.

Here’s another suggestion for Rudy:  You don’t want to stand next to Robert Mueller—a true American hero—and ask the American people to vote on which of the two of you engenders the most trust.  Another way to say it?  If you’re looking for a fight with Robert Mueller as to who has more personal character, you probably don’t want to put the gloves on—he’s way out of your league.

Oh, one final suggestion for Rudy:  Lose that diamond-encrusted pinky ring.







Jon Meacham, the eminent presidential historian, tweeted the following in light of President Trump’s continuing push for his totemic monument to himself; i.e. The Wall:

America should “build a wall of steel, a wall as high as Heaven” against the flow of immigrants.–Georgia Gov. Clifford Walker, at a 1924 convention of the Ku Klux Klan, then a powerful force at a time of strain for the white working class. #PastIsPrologue


The past is never past.  We, each of us, carry both its brighter and darker angels within us, bringing them and their formative power into the present and bearing them into the future.  Only a life of committed and never-ending self-examination, self-awareness and self-knowledge—undertaken at both the individual and corporate levels—can secure either the present or the future for those brighter angels and against those darker angels.




In a story published early in December, Washington Post reporters Robert Costa and Philip Rucker wrote of the anxiety-to-the-point-of-panic now endemic—or, epidemic (though, relative to the Trump era, endemic is probably more accurate)—among Republicans about the distinct lack of planning on the part of the White House per defending President Trump and his administration against a growing chorus of harsh criticism and public outrage, the volume of which is going to rise to crescendo proportions when Democrats take the reins of the House of Representatives in early January.

The anxiety/panic is probably warranted.

Partisan hacks such as Paul “I Guess Everyone Now Knows I’m Not A Policy Wonk, I’m Not A Public Intellectual & I’m Not An Altar Boy” Ryan, Kevin “Geez, Guys, Everybody Violates Campaign Finance Laws” McCarthy, Devin “I Didn’t Leak Classified Information Provided By The White House For Me To Leak” Nunes, Jim “I’m Still Being Investigated About Being Complicit In Burying Sexual Abuse Complaints In The Wrestling Program At Ohio State” Jordan, Mark “The Earth Is Flat, Prove Me Wrong” Meadows, Duncan “I’m Innocent, I Tell You” Hunter, Steve “I’m Only Pretending To Be A White Supremacist” King, Louie “I Just Returned From My Home on Neptune” Gohmert, Trey “I Need A New Barber” Gowdy and innumerable other members of the House Republican Clown Show have conspired for the past two years to hide from the public not only the gross incompetence of the Trump administration’s policies both foreign and domestic but also the inner details of what has to be the most blatantly dishonest/corrupt/embarrassing/potentially destructive administration in American history.

When Nancy Pelosi gavels the new, Democratic-majority House into session on January 3, however, Trump and his corrupt cohorts are suddenly going to find themselves without the cover provided by Republicans over the past 24 months.

Subpoenas, anyone?

The prospect of the House of Representatives actually performing its constitutional duties regarding serious, responsible oversight has resulted in Klonopin and/or Xanax—take your pick, but remember that each is highly addictive—replacing the M&M’s which once filled the little candy dispensers in the Republican cloakroom.  And the absence of a White House “War Room” staffed with partisans skilled in crisis management—Costa/Rucker quote one highly-placed Republican official as saying that Trump and his Band of Merry Amateurs are taking a “shrugged shoulders” approach to the dangers posed by the robust and productive investigation of Robert Mueller and his team of Investigative/Prosecutorial All-Stars—has resulted in the offices of some Republican House members receiving suspiciously large deliveries of crates bearing the brand names Grey Goose and Dewar’s.  [Caution:  Drinking while taking controlled substances such as Klonopin or Xanax can be hazardous to your health and/or diminish the chances that you will see the sun rise the next morning!]

Neither are the tremors of either Senate or House Republicans—much less Republican stakeholders (read, “Big Donors”)—calmed by Trump’s delusional/lie-filled/laughable tweets, one of which actually announced that the long list of allegations lodged, indictments brought and convictions secured per his campaign associates, administration members and even his former personal lawyer “totally clear” him.

His logic is unassailable, right?


Of course, they can take some solace from the news that, “according to advisers” interviewed by Costa/Rucker, “Trump remains headstrong in his belief that he can outsmart adversaries.”

Alrighty, then!

Makes sense to me!

Why would the White House need a “War Room” to navigate some seriously adversarial circumstances when the “stable genius” who occupies the Oval Office has such a sterling record of being able to “outsmart adversaries?”

That has certainly proved to be the case with, oh, say, Stephanie Clifford (aka Stormy Daniels).  And with the Attorney General of the State of New York, who has shuttered the slush fund that Trump called his “Foundation” and is investigating it for “deal me” fraud (along with a variety of tax violations).  And with the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office, which is digging into exactly where the $107 million tsunami of donations to the Trump Inaugural Committee came from and exactly how it was—or, wasn’t—spent.  And with the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York—headed, interestingly enough, by a Trump-appointee—which is apparently within inches of locking down a case of criminal campaign finance fraud against the president, Donald, Jr., Ivanka and poor, pathetic Eric.  And, upping the ante, Trump has certainly made a chump out of Vladimir Putin, right?  And Bibi Netanyahu, right?  And Mohammed bin Salman, right?  And Recep Erdogan, right?  And Xi Jinping, right?  And Kim Jong-un, right?  And his ability to “outsmart adversaries” is certainly made manifest in the “big, beautiful wall” that Mexico has, at its own expense, almost finished building along the entire length of the southern border, right?



If President “Art of the Deal” Trump has proved himself to be adept at anything, it would not be outsmarting adversaries but making adversaries out of former allies.  Think, the U.K.  Think, France.  Think, Belgium.  Think, Germany.  Think, Canada.  Think, Finland.  Think, Norway.  Think, Sweden.  Think, Mexico.  Think, NATO.  For God’s sake, think of the Kurds—the never-back-down ground combat warriors who fought alongside American troops in Iraq and who are the true heroes per liberating most of northeastern Syria from ISIS occupation (and whom Trump will now abandon, when U.S. forces leave, to slaughter by Turkish forces).  Keep on thinking, the list is much longer.

In the end, Trump seems to be depending on one strategy to get out of the corner into which he has painted himself:  No matter the cruel failures of what more generous observers term his “foreign policy,” no matter the cruel failures of what more generous observers term his “domestic policy,” no matter the chaos and blatant corruption that has reigned inside his administration since its beginning, no matter his assaults on foundational American institutions, no matter his assaults on American democratic norms, no matter his self-expressed intent to divide the country into warring camps, no matter his own disgusting incivility nor his encouragement of that same incivility amongst his followers, no matter his and his administration’s utter disregard/disdain for the truth, no matter the evidence which continues to accumulate in the offices of Robert Mueller’s team and in the offices of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Donald Trump is certain that, in the words of Costa/Rucker, “most GOP base voters will believe whatever the president tells them to believe.”

So, to those lily-livered Republican sell-outs who long ago chose party over country and power over patriotism and who must now live with the fact that history never stops taking names, allow me to offer these calming words, “Well, there’s that.”






















It was a bit jarring yesterday to actually hear world leaders laughing atnot with, at—Donald Trump as he lumbered through another factually-challenged recitation of what he tries to pass off as his administration’s unparalleled-in-American-history successes.  I think it fair to say that this is the first time in the history of the United Nations that those attending the opening session of the General Assembly actually laughed at an American president and his remarks.

Afterward, Trump claimed he was joking and the U.N. delegates and delegations were laughing with him.  They were all “having a good time,” he said.


Nikki Haley, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, tried this morning—on FOX News, of course—to support the president’s narrative and claimed that those laughing were, uh, showing “respect” for Trump’s “honesty” and for America in general.

[Memo to Nikki:  If you ever serve what are advertised as chicken salad sandwiches at a picnic to which I’m invited, I’m going to make sure they pass the smell test before I take a big bite out of one.  Unlike you, I’ve actually spent time in chicken coops and chicken houses.  Those experiences educated me as to the difference between the smell of chicken salad and the odor of, well, you know.]

That heads of state and U.N. delegates from around the globe were rightly amused at Trump’s bloviating—to the point of guffawing at it—says something about just how far worldwide regard/respect for the United States has fallen in the 20 months that Donald Trump has occupied the White House.

However, while attention was lavished on the spectacle of an American president being laughed at by world leaders, another more important factually-challenged statement made by The Donald in a meeting later in the day flew somewhat under the radar.  This involved Trump’s accusation that China was retaliating for the raging trade war between the U.S. and Beijing by meddling/interfering in the upcoming mid-term elections:  “Regrettably, we found that China has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming 2018 election, coming up in November, against my administration,” Trump said during remarks at a U.N. Security Council meeting on nonproliferation.”  Making it personal—per usual—and assuming the role of the righteous victim, he continued by saying that the Chinese “do not want me or us to win because I am the first president to ever challenge China on trade, and we are winning on trade—we are winning on every level.”

This isn’t the first time Trump has seemed to accuse China of potentially trying to interfere with an American election.  In August, the Twit-In-Chief used his tiny fingers to tweet the following from his unsecured cell phone:  “All of the fools that are so focused on looking only at Russia should start also looking in another direction, China.”

Trump’s national security team responded to questions about the August tweet by saying that, other than Russia, they had found no evidence of any interference by any foreign actors in the run-up to the 2018 mid-term elections.  No.  Evidence.

And, following his latest claims about Chinese meddling, Trump could provide no evidence to substantiate them.  No.  Evidence.

Neither could any of his national security officials.

It was simply another blatantly false claim made by a president whose relationship with the truth is as fragile as his ego.

Count me stunned!  (Sarcasm intended!)

It is worth noting, however, that, unsurprisingly, the president, per usual, saw fit to omit any mention of the one foreign country that we know beyond the shadow of a doubt to be making attempts to interfere in the 2018 mid-terms:  Russia.

Which begs three questions:  (1)  Why won’t this president admit that Russia and Vladimir Putin interfered with the 2016 presidential election and did so with the intent of helping elect its preferred candidate, Donald Trump?  And, (2) Why won’t this president admit that Russia and Vladimir Putin are still trying to interfere with the U.S. electoral process?  And, (3) What do the Russians and Vladimir Putin have on Donald Trump that prevents him from speaking the truth about Russia/Putin to the American people?

I am well aware that credible answers to those questions will never come from Donald Trump—he is easily, easily typed as a narcissistic borderline personality, which tells us he is virtually incapable of speaking any truth that casts him in a negative light.  He is a pathological liar.

I am well aware that credible answers to those questions will never come from Lindsay Graham—who borrowed John McCain’s spine in order to walk upright and, in the aftermath of Senator McCain’s death, has devolved into just another Republican invertebrate unwilling to speak the truth about Donald Trump—or any congressional Republican.  Elected to protect the American people from unethical, abusive or criminal behavior on the part of government officials—including the president—Republicans have chosen to defend the indefensible, to protect Donald Trump by casting aspersions on the truth and thereby placing the American people and their country in peril.

But I do believe that credible answers to those questions will come from Robert Mueller, the Special Counsel doing the due diligence necessary to truthfully answer those questions.  And, whatever those answers may be, I’ll believe them.  If only we had a president who inspired my trust as does Robert Mueller.  If only we had senators and congressmen who inspired my trust as does Robert Mueller.









In his pre-presidential life, Donald Trump was a known quantity–a predator on the prowl for vulnerable prey as he daily/nightly roamed the dark netherworld of New York City’s high-stakes real-estate industry.

His was a totally transactional, zero-sum world in which there were few–if any–ethical guardrails or moral guidelines and virtually no willingness to stay within the bounds of the few that did exist. Its currency consisted of fraudulent claims, broken contracts, unkept promises and non-stop, 24/7 lying. It was populated by grifters in $10,000 suits, dirty public officials, suspect bankers, union officials with their hands out, connected lawyers and organized crime bosses/thugs.

Trump navigated this swamp with the ease of a 14-foot alligator born and raised in its ooze. It is a matter of public record that, unapologetically and with no ethical/moral qualms, he lied to investors [a felony], ripped off those investors [a felony], stiffed banks, stiffed small business owners, stiffed vendors, stiffed laborers, illegally brought undocumented persons into the country to work as laborers (“the Polish brigade”) at half the going-rate and then stiffed them, walked away from debt, filed bankruptcies, dry-cleaned huge amounts of money for questionable foreign associates [a felony], [by his own admission] bribed public officials, occasionally enlisted the help of mob associates, did the dirty with porn stars and Playmates, raided the coffers of his “deal me” foundation [a potential felony which he evaded by agreeing to “shutter” what was, in reality, nothing more than a personal slush fund] and cheated the “students” of his fraudulent “university” [a potential felony which he evaded by settling a $25 million class-action suit].

That he was able to escape the consequences of his civil and criminal difficulties relatively unscathed further evidences his ability to navigate the muck of that underworld. He blustered. He bloviated. He threatened. He intimidated. He smeared. He lied. He lied some more. He threw wrenches into the machinery of the legal system. He simply paid off people to make uncomfortable situations disappear.

And, by-and-large, his playbook worked for him.

[It bears mention that Donald Trump has been a principal in over 3,500 litigations and counting. The same Donald Trump who interminably and falsely characterized his 2016 election opponent, Hillary Clinton, as “Crooked Hillary”—a practice he continues to this day.  It also bears mention that, despite Republicans and the whack-job conspiracy theorists who populate the far-right media Fun House—remember “Pizza-Gate?”—making her the target of constant scrutiny, baseless accusations and numerous investigations over the past three decades, Ms. Clinton has never been a principal in a court action save those in which she was serving as counsel for someone else.  Never.  Not one.]

But Trump’s thuggish tactics, so well-honed and effective in the corrupt, soul-less world of high-stakes real-estate, have not translated well in the world of a high-stakes national security investigation directed by an authentic American patriot who is undeterred by threat, intimidation or personal smears.  And, even more notably, has proven himself over a long and distinguished career of public service to reside in that rarified air reserved for those who are quite simply unavailable to corruptive influences. Unlike Trump and partisan hacks/enablers with last names such as Giuliani, Nunes, Jordan, Meadows, Goodlatte, Ryan, Pence, et al, Robert Mueller is lionized in the federal law enforcement and intelligence communities for his personal integrity.  His body of work unquestionably testifies not only to his character but to his belief that protecting the distinctly American institutions and norms that provide the framework necessary for our democracy to exist requires a commitment to “eternal vigilance” per the sanctity of the rule of law.

It is, in fact, because of his personal credibility and reputation for integrity that Robert Mueller, without even trying, has taken up residence in Donald Trump’s head—right next to Barack Obama.  After all, what could be more threatening to a transactional player with a closet full of skeletons than being investigated by an honest actor who is immune to the bullying and impervious to the twitter-screeds of an autocratic huckster more at home in the slime of the Okefenokee than the venerable and venerated environs of the Oval Office?

Cadet Bone Spurs doesn’t like it one bit that the combat-tested, bemedaled former Marine whose record as a relentless federal prosecutor and Director of the FBI is as spotless as his posture is ramrod straight won’t bend to the malignantly narcissistic will of an amoral/immoral #EmperorWannaBe.  Indeed, it has become apparent from the volume and vociferousness of The Twit’s tweets—and the laughable combination of contradictory statements, pronouncements and, uh, threats made by his disgraceful, diamond pinky-ringed court jester, Rudy Giuliani—that Trump is growing increasingly frustrated by his failed efforts to fully weaponize the powers of the presidency in order to (1) rid himself “of this meddlesome priest” and thereby (2) autocratically strangle the quaint American notion that “no man is above the law.”

However, Trump is not only increasingly frustrated.

Trump is scared.

Trump is scared about discoveries already made and discoveries that might be made by Mr. Mueller and his All-Star Team of federal prosecutors/investigators.  In the vernacular of the millennials with whom my son hangs, “Trump is in a ‘world of hurt’ and he knows it.”  One can almost smell the fear.

Why else his obsessive attacks on and attempts to delegitimize the Special Counsel’s investigation by repeatedly gaslighting it as a “hoax,” a “witch hunt, “fake news” and worse when he calls into the slobbering, groveling hosts of TrumpTV’s “Fox and Friends” or has his nightly hot-chocolate-and-cookies bedtime phone conversation with BestBestie Sean Hannity or takes the stage at one of his regular adulation/make-me-feel-secure rallies or puts his tiny fingers on the keyboard of his cell phone and twitters out another tweet?

Why else his Banana Republic tactic of attempting to weaponize the Department of Justice against Mueller’s investigation by threatening his own Attorney General—who only refuses to resign because he is now free to put in place the racist, xenophobic policies that reflect his poorly concealed sympathies for white supremacy that actually cost him a seat on the federal bench during the 1980’s—and persistently demeaning him as “weak” and, this past Saturday, “missing in action.”

Why else his half-baked and disgusting efforts to smear his predecessor, his 2016 election opponent, the federal judicial system, the federal law enforcement system and the entire federal intelligence community if not to raise suspicion/cast doubts about or distract us from the ongoing investigation into himself and his own campaign?

According to White House staffers, he has taken to raging about it as many as “20 times a day”—which, considering the brevity of his workday (“executive time” and all that), would seemingly make it the singular focus of his presidency. Why else the foul mood if The Donald isn’t all puckered up?

I mean, if Trump thinks there to be no wrongdoing on his part, why not let the investigation proceed without hindrance so that his name can be cleared?  Indeed, if he has done nothing wrong, why not sit down with Mueller under oath and answer the Special Counsel’s questions?  [Let’s be clear:  Unless forced to comply with a subpoena, Donald Trump will never sit down with Robert Mueller and, under oath, do anything other than take the Fifth.]

It was left to the likes of Trey Gowdy, the retiring Republican congressman from South Carolina whose barber should have long ago been either sued for malpractice or arrested for styling hair while under the influence (SHUI), to put Trump’s dangerously high pucker-pressure in context by advising him to “stop acting like you’re guilty if you’re innocent.”

MEMO TO TREY: He can’t because he isn’t.

Predictably, Republican sycophants such as the reprehensible Devin Nunes and the equally reprehensible Mark Meadows have joined with Trump’s assorted circus of wild-eyed, fact-averse media mavens to call for Mr. Mueller to bring the investigation to what would be, in actuality, a premature end. Their rationale is two-fold: (1) It has gone on long enough and (2) it has produced no evidence of wrongdoing.

Allow me to respond to these comedic hypocrites by pointing out that Republicans seemed to have no problem initiating, at last count, 9 separate investigations per the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya—read, 9 separate, wholly political attempts to find something, anything, they could use to “bring down” and delegitimize Hillary Clinton.  Those investigations continued for over four years and resulted in nothing more than the GOP playing politics over the dead body of an American ambassador and an avalanche of conspiracy-mongering.  Republicans wagged their fingers for the television cameras but could not find enough evidence of malfeasance to justify even an official rebuke.

While I’m at it, I might as well note that the multiple, GOP-initiated investigations and the single Democratic DOJ/FBI investigation into Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server continued for over two years and resulted in nothing close to a single indictment.  Indeed, the lack of transparency by the Trump White House as to written records, visitor logs, phone logs, emails sent via private servers and the absence of read-outs per the president’s private meetings is, in cumulative terms, far more egregious and threatening to national security than Ms. Clinton’s issue with her server.  What is Trump hiding from us?  And, why is he hiding it from us?

On the other hand, the Special Counsel investigation—initiated by a Republican-ruled Department of Justice, run by a Special Counsel (who is himself a Republican) appointed by a Republican Deputy Attorney General—into a wide variety of known/suspected irregularities/illegalities per Donald Trump’s presidential campaign as well as known/suspected irregularities/illegalities per actions taken by him and others in his circle prior to and since his election to the presidency has just now entered its 16th month.  And, it has thus far resulted in the filing of well over 100 separate charges, 5 guilty pleas, 34 indictments of individuals, 3 indictments of corporations, and a criminal referral to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York per the president’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen.  And there seems little doubt but that the hits are just going to keep on coming—the supposition is easily made that there are those close, very close or, at least, once-close to the president who lie awake at night listening for the “thump, thump” of FBI agents coming down the hallway, subpoenas and/or warrants in hand.

That’s a pretty efficient, effective, productive and impressive investigation.  I mean, who knew there were that many “witches” out there?

Messrs. Nunes, Jordan, Meadows, Goodlatte, Ryan, Pence and Giuliani—and let’s not forget fellow toadies Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Huckabee Sanders—might want to think twice before they continue to screech to the shrinking Trump base via TrumpTV that Mr. Mueller’s investigation should be “shut down” because “there’s no there there.” Robert Mueller and his All-Stars have already shown that “there’s a lot of there there” and even the bookies in Vegas are calling it a lock that “there’s a lot more there there.” Indeed, my guess is that the Special Counsel and his All-Stars already know “the lot more there that is there.” And that the real reason Trump and his cronies want the investigation “brought to a swift conclusion” is that they’re guessing the same thing.

“Thump.  Thump.”